.. title: miro and sun-java6-plugin conflict clarification .. slug: miro_and_sun_java6_plugin_conflict_clarification .. date: 2007-10-24 13:22:03 .. tags: miro, work

I want to clarify the situation with Miro and the sun-java6-plugin package.

Prior to, if you had the sun-java6-plugin installed and you install Miro, then Miro would crash on startup. For, we added a conflict with the sun-java6-plugin package. That means that in order to install Miro, you will have to uninstall the sun-java6-plugin.

I've gotten a lot of flack for this fix in the last couple of days--and for good reason: this sucks for users who have that plugin installed. I definitely understand the frustration and we don't consider this a final solution. (As a philosophical note, most development solutions are not final--most things can be changed if a better feasible option is found and implemented.)

The bottom line is that if you use the sun-java6-plugin plugin, you can't use Miro. Adding the conflict line to the package makes it more user-friendly when installing Miro because then you're not stuck in a situation where you have installed Miro, it crashes on startup, and you have no clue why.

We're interested in a real solution for this problem. Details of the problem are in these bugs:

If you have feasible ideas, add them in the comments on bug 9064 or comment here.