Package driver :: Module event :: Class Event
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Class Event

Known Subclasses:
HookEvent, InputEvent, KickEvent

The event superclass. All events should subclass this event and implement the "execute" and "__str__" methods (at a minimum).
Method Summary
String representing the event.
Enqueues the current Event in the engine's event queue for later execution.
  execute(self, my_engine)
This is the method that gets called after the event has been plucked off the Queue and is being handled.

Method Details

(Informal representation operator)

String representing the event. This is useful for verbose mode where we log all the events we've handled.


Enqueues the current Event in the engine's event queue for later execution.

execute(self, my_engine)

This is the method that gets called after the event has been plucked off the Queue and is being handled. It takes a Engine object so it knows how to access things.

Exceptions that are kicked up and not handled by the event will get handled by the loop that dequeues and executes events. But in general, it's probably not a good thing to be throwing around unhandled exceptions.
my_engine - the Engine instance

Generated by Epydoc 2.0 on Wed Jan 21 21:00:06 2004